Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Diary of Amos Lee by Adeline Foo

I heared Mum telling Dad that maybe she could bring WPI and I along for her ass-in-mens. Oh man

The Diary of Amos Lee by Adeline Foo

Just turned five. I call her WPI. Whiny. Pesky. Irritating.

The Diary of Amos Lee by Adeline Foo

Mum had weird food cravings when she was pregnant with me. At one time, it was for char siew bao. Another time, it was for cookies-double chocolate macadamia nut. She ate so many cookies in the nine months carrying me that when the doctor asked what she was naming her baby boy as I was being pushed out of her womb, she shouted, "He will be famous one day. I will call him Amos!"

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson

There was a crash, and a yell of "Scumbo! Got you!" from the wood.

The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson

"Oh!" said the man, jumping. "You should warn people when you're going to do that. You know, I've often wondered what that noise was. Now I shall know it is only you or your father."

The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson

"I've got him!" shouted Plop. "I've got Orion the Great Hunter. Oh, I never knew stars had names. Show me some more."

The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson

Plop made a few hopeful snoring noises, but it was clear that the feast was over. He wobbled into the nest-hole and was soon fast asleep himself.

The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson

"Nobody threw me-I just came," said the roly-poly pudding,"And actually I'm a barn owl."

The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson

"I still do not like it AT ALL," said Plop, "But I'm going to watch the fireworks-if you will sit by me." "I will sit by you," said his mother. So will I," said his father, who had just woken up. "I like fireworks."

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Magic School Bus lost in the Solar System by Joanna Cole

Suddenly there was a snap. Ms. Frizzle's tether line had broken! Without warning, the rockets fired up, and the bus zoomed away! The autopilot was malfunctioning.

The Magic School Bus lost in the Solar System by Joanna Cole

We landed and started walking around. Suddenly a huge dust storm blew up. Ms. Frizzle said dust storms on Mars can last for months. They may cover the whole planet. We scrambled back on the bus and headed out!

The Magic School Bus lost in the Solar System by Joanna Cole

On the way back, as we were waiting at a red light, something amazing happened. The bus started tilting back, and we heard the roar of rockets. "Oh dear," said Ms. Frizzle. "We seem to be blasting off!"

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Magic School Bus in The Time of The Dinosaurs by Joanna Cole

Allosaurus darted close and took a big bite. Then it moved back and waited. Stegosaurus got weaker and weaker. It had become food for Allosaurus.

the Magic School Bus in The Time of The Dinosaurs by Joanna Cole

A sudden downpour caught us by surprise. But the dinosaurs went right on eating. We ran for the bus, and Frizzle called, "Get ready to go forward in time, kids!"

The Magic School Bus in The Time of The Dinosaurs by Joanna Cole

The hand on the clock started moving backward: one hour day year back... outside the windows, the desert was whizzing by. One thousand million years... "We're on our way to the time of the Maiasaura. Hang on class!" yelled the Friz.